Labels:cd rom | clock | disk | monitor OCR: .4.61 GRAN TURISMO REAL ORIVIMG SIMULATOR E3 2004 PRESS JNFORMATION MAC AND PC COMPATIBLE c 2004 Sony Computer Entertcinment Inc. AlL manufacturers cers nomes brands onE associute d imagery featured in this gomP ore trademarks and/or copyrighted materials of their respective awners Al rights reserved. Arry depiction nr retreation reo world lorations, entities, businesses, nr organizadions i nat intended to be or imply AUD sponsorship or endorsement of this game by such party or parties. #PlayStation" thePS Fomily logo anc are registered trademarks and Gron Turisma is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc The Drive of Your Life is a ragistered tradamark Sony Computer Enfertuinment America lnc PlayStation.2 Entertrinment hrands ossointed imgery featred gome raserved recreadion lovat ...